My Poetic Path

My journey…shared in poems, prose and photos.

Christmas Childhood Memories


first of
brought thoughts 
of Christmas magic.
The Day, so soon to arrive.
Our expectations ran high.
Through snow days and blizzards.
Making a list and checking it twice.
 Santa’s letter printed and ready to mail.
Christmas baking: heady, wonderful aromas.
Pageants at school, with costumes of many colors.
The tall lush evergreen, centerpiece of the season.
We decorated so carefully; each bough lovingly adorned.
With some old, some new, every one used and none forgotten.
The long days of dark December. Finally, homework complete.
Sitting in the darkened living room; time alone to drift away. 
Marvelling at the masterpiece of lights and shining ornaments.
Gazing far beyond to the bliss to follow. Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Christmas eve: midnight mass and carolling.Treats aplenty!
Then the long awaited, special treasures.
The secrets of shining boxes and ribbons.
Finally revealed and always worth the wait.
Off to sleep, to dream of a perfect snowy Christmas Day.
Now content, to still remember these childhood memories.
 November day.
“Christmas Childhood Memories” © 2008 Geraldine H. Hartman
Written for the OSI prompt for Nov. 23rd: Childhood Memories

Author: Geraldine Helen Hartman

I am a freelance writer, poet, artisan, product reviewer and award-winning cookbook author. I am the author of numerous books and eBooks, in a variety of genres, including: -Laughing AT the Grim Reaper! Gems of Wisdom for Aging Well -The Groovy Green Kitchen (Volume 1 and Volume 2) -Third Chapter, Second Chance (a mid-life romance) -Haiku Reflections: The Four Seasons (Volumes I, II and III and IV) My titles (in Kindle and print book formats) are available at all Amazon sites.

35 thoughts on “Christmas Childhood Memories

  1. I love how you formed this into the shape of a tree. Very clever. I remember how excited I used to be at the start of December. Now I can see my son feels the same. We are putting up the tree next weekend and he is beside himself with excitement.

    I also remember the long, dark days of December – such a powerful image.
    I loved everything about this piece. I think it would look great on a Christmas card!

  2. This is a very beautiful November dream.

  3. Oh, it’s prettier over here with the colors! You worked hard on this one. I was surprised but I like the end, this November night. Not December?
    It flows very nicely and you kept the tree shape wonderfully.

    Thank you for this prompt. It was a hard but enjoyable exercise for me, I really don’t have too many childhood memories.

    I like your shaped poem, ..
    Thanks again

  4. Loved the visual effect. Great poem.

    Thanks for the prompt!

    alpha and omega

  5. This is most beautiful, the visual appearance and the words that reflect so well the memories of so many at this wonderful time of year. A wonderful memory gift.

  6. Lovely, hopeful words and the design as a tree was great.

  7. This is very beautiful, Geraldine. I marvel at your tree as I recall marveling at the family tree year after year!

  8. How delightful!

  9. This was a wonderful surprise, Geraldine! The fond memories, all the Christmas Magic, the colors and the tree! I also enjoyed the prompt!

  10. Every line brought back so many thoughts of happy days for me!

    I enjoyed your prompt. It has put me in the holiday spirit! Thanks, Janice

  11. I already mentioned on the other comments form that I love pattern poetry,but I forgot to mentinon your use of color. In the past I’ve always done them in b/w, but this opens up a whole new dimension! Such nice images in the poem, too!

  12. ..a culturally rich poem-“I think it would look great on a Christmas card!”
    -a lovely prompt..mood elevating!..many thanks..

  13. Hi Selma, How fortunate parents are to relive their moment of childhood bliss as their children experience these similar feelings. It’s great to know that simple pleasures like putting up the tree….etc, are still a big part of the holidays. I hate all the commercialism and emphasis on spending that seems to have increased each passing year. Whenever I could, I’ve always made handmade gifts to give. But I digress….Thanks Selma. Like the card idea too.

    Hi Sandy, Real trees, decorated with one of a kind ornaments are always to me, the most beautiful to behold. Bahhhhh humbug the ‘designer’ trees that seem to be more and more popular. Where is the nostalgia in those?

    Hi Jim, I am writing this in November, that’s why I finished the poem as I did. Glad I have inspired you with this prompt.

    Hi Gautami, I thought the tree idea was a good one. Glad it turned out well and is being enjoyed!

    Hi Ann, And your take on this prompt was a wonderful gift! Thanks also for your kind words.

    Hi Tony, They are hopeful words and as I note from Selma’s comments the young folks of today are still enjoying these special moments!!! Isn’t that wonderful?

    Hi Ben, Thank you. Too bad you didn’t include your link. 😦

    Hi Barb, It certainly has been a prompt that brought an outpouring of wonderful memories. I am so happy to be able to share them with all of you!

    Hi Janice, I am so glad!!!

    Hi Deborah, I like “shaped” poems too. I was glad the lines worked out so well. I did quite a bit of editing to make the tree-shape. 😉

    Hi Zoya, It would make a nice card, thank you!

    Hugs and I thanks for sharing all your wonderful memories too, G 🙂

  14. Hi Geraldine,
    I haven’t been around for a while. Your poem brought back to me the excitement of a childhood Christmas when we had a big tree and relatives came to stay.

    I’m desperately trying to remember the name for poems that take up a shape.

    Just to get going again i’ve done a re-write of a surrealist poem i wrote based on childhood memories.

  15. very dreamy, though the anticipation is probably more thrilling than the actual gift

  16. Shape poetry is tough, but you did a great job. I accidentally did a poem that looked like a breast and it worked with the poem. lol

  17. i love the christmas season…it always have a happy space in my hear. through mychildhood christmas is basically of warmth and sun

  18. Thank you, Geraldine, for the prompt and this lovely piece! Love all the comments here too…bring warmth and sweetness!

  19. A lovely memory in a perfect shape! Of card quality, for sure!

  20. Hi Carole, Wasn’t it just the BESTEST 😉 time of year, when we were kids? I was ready to burst by the time Christmas Eve rolled around. We would stay up all night after midnight mass, opening presents, playing with our new toys and then around 6 AM, my mom would make a great breakfast.

    I don’t know the name of shaped poems, anyone out there??? Maybe Ill try another one soon; this one was fun to write.

    Hi Lissa, It was all pretty darn thrilling from what I can remember. Except for the sensible gifts like clothes, we didn’t like those as much. My new velvet dress, handmade by my mom was the exception of course. I had a new one in a new color, every year. So beautiful and special.

    Hi Brenda, Thank you!

    Hi Tammy, LOL….I’d like to see that one!!! You make me laugh dear Tammy and cry and think deeply….Thanks for all you share with all of us.

    Hi deLi, Welcome and thank you!

    Hi Beth, I am SOOOO enjoying the comments and also everyone’s interpretation of this prompt. Wonderful work, including yours.

    Hi Sue, I just may do that when I can, make a card with this that is. I love making personalized cards, keepsakes to share and to cherish.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and big hugs, G 🙂

  21. Oh! This was wonderful! Christmas will always be a special time for me thanks to warm childhood memories– very much like yours. Christmas Eve is the most magical, wonderful night of the year… thanks for adding to the start of the season!

  22. Oh G – how wonderful! Such a perfect concrete poem – and done at the keyboard no less. This brought so many memories, I have a tear. Thanks for the wonderful piece! This is just so very lovely!!

  23. Pretty post, Geraldine. It sure gets me in the mood for the holidays.

  24. This poem brings back wonderful childhood memories of Christmas for me, its very touching.

  25. Geraldine, I’ve remembered the name for shaped poems but I see that Kayt has beaten me to it.

    Thanks for dropping in. 🙂

  26. Hi Aine, I agree re: XMAS eve. You are so fortunate to now have your two young daughters to relive the magic of childhood memories! Have a wonderful Holiday, sooooon. 😉

    Hi Kayt, You’ve answered Carole’s question, hooray! Concrete poem, what an intriguing name. And I am so glad you enjoyed mine.

    Hi Sandy, It won’t be long now, will it?

    Hi Joe, I’m glad you have some good ones to recall Joe!

    Hi Carole, Yes she did. Thanks for stopping by again.

    Hugs and Happy Holidays to all of you, G 🙂

  27. beautiful…. that is just as it is… and the butterfly…. nature is perfect in everywhere way…

  28. How wonderful and clever. Really well done. I’m still hoping to do this prompt but it’s not looking good for me to get it done. Too much to say and too loaded so far to get it out.

  29. P.S. I hope you get the snow you are wishing for.

  30. this is perfection.. you made it ever so visually pleasing and i can tell the verse is straight from the heart….

  31. Hi Pie, Still loving that avatar photo btw… 😉 Thank you so much.

    Hi Raven, How kind of you to say. This was my prompt suggestion and it’s been so great to read so many childhood memories from other bloggers. Hope you share some of yours too. For me, Christmas was always the best time of year as a child. This was so easy to write! Thanks re: the snow, still brown ground this a.m. but it’s coming….

    Hi Paisley, I really appreciate your comments and good to ‘see’ you again.

    Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday season. Hugs, G 🙂

  32. Ger,
    This is so nice, and describes perfectly the sense of growing anticipation and wonder of a child at Christmas. I’m amazed at how you put this into the tree shape. It’s beautiful!
    This certainly brings back memories to me!
    I’m so glad this was available to read on your sidebar..

  33. it’s Wonderful, I see it’s an oldie but goodie you shoul dhave it every year ’cause the poem itself is a gift of Christmas…I didn’t know you back then, what a loss….xxxx and hugs

  34. A delightful memory – the formatting is wonderful, too! Thanks for re-posting this, as I seem to have missed it earlier. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Thank you for your comments!