My Poetic Path

My journey…shared in poems, prose and photos.


Busy, busy, busy….time for a short break!


taking a break...

Do I need a break…after the last few days I’ve had, glued to the computer!!!

I’m trying to finish a book/eBook project by this weekend.

I’ve been typing like mad here and all was going well until I came to saving files as a zip file, using Windows 8. 😦 It wouldn’t let me add photos to the file, for my Kindle version and I didn’t know what to try next.

Thankfully, I still had our “old” computer with Windows 7  available and that DID work!

Will explain more about this zip file conundrum at a later date. For now, I’m just glad I figured out a back-up plan. 🙂

I’ll be posting about my new book in the next few days.

Yahoooo…. the finish line is in sight! What a great feeling.  Can you relate? 

And to all the bloggers who have offered to help with my HTML ??? my sincere thanks!

Happy Weekend! 🙂