My Poetic Path

My journey…shared in poems, prose and photos.

Walk on a Winter’s Day


Chilled to the bone, the frosty sheer air.
Winter again unrelenting, inevitably here.
The stillness of a new untouched morning,
Still ours alone to share.

The trees, a wonderland of beauty,
Boughs lush with white diamonds,
Dreamlike, in a haze of soft gray sky.
A picture,well-worth a thousand words.

Bundled and mittened, we walk on….
Determined, sure-footed,facing the elements.
Brave against the chill.
Your hand in mine, snug and secure.
The cold less bitter,because you are near.

Step after step,we trudge the brilliant white mile.
Smug in our solitude with nothing to fear.
With chocolate and kisses, waiting in the warmth.
To welcome us home again; so glad you are near.

Copyright © Geraldine Helen Hartman

I would like to dedicate this poem/post in memory of my dear brother Wendell on this, his birthdate. I miss you Wendell, with all my heart. Although not written about Wendell, I think he would have enjoyed this poem and the word-picture I have attempted to create.

My prompt suggestion for OSI  (December 21st): A Winter’s Day. Thanks to Sandy and Andree for including me as one of your prompt contributors. OSI is always a great place to visit.  

Author: Geraldine Helen Hartman

I am a freelance writer, poet, artisan, product reviewer and award-winning cookbook author. I am the author of numerous books and eBooks, in a variety of genres, including: -Laughing AT the Grim Reaper! Gems of Wisdom for Aging Well -The Groovy Green Kitchen (Volume 1 and Volume 2) -Third Chapter, Second Chance (a mid-life romance) -Haiku Reflections: The Four Seasons (Volumes I, II and III and IV) My titles (in Kindle and print book formats) are available at all Amazon sites.

27 thoughts on “Walk on a Winter’s Day

  1. Geraldine,
    Thanks for this. It is as warm and sweet as a mug of cocoa after a walk–but better because you describe a shared journey. What a beautiful thing. God bless, friend.

  2. I am sorry about the loss of your brother, Geraldine. I am sure that he was with you when you were writing this. As Sandy mentioned, there is a feeling of a shared experience. Despite the cold weather you described, there was a sense of warmth about it. One of your best.

  3. Wonderful dedication. Beautiful piece.

  4. Geraldine, it must be tough to lose a brother. Mine is nine years younger than me, but had a nasty scare earlier this year.

    My Mum is now living in a small residential home where the staff are very caring. Yesterday, I went to the Christmas Party there. I haven’t written anything about it but will post you a link when I do. Thanks for your concern. 🙂

  5. You give a warm glow to winter here – a fitting tribute to your brother.

  6. Simply beautiful, Geraldine.

  7. Beautiful description of the landscape of both winter, and of the heart!

  8. Hi Sandy, I like that…a mug of cocoa and lots of sweetness! 😉

    Hi Selma, Although not written about Wendell, I am sure he would have (hopefully will!) enjoy this work. He was a very creative talented person while on this earth.

    Hi Jeeve, Thank you and welcome to OSI and MPP!

    Hi Carole, I had been wondering how your mom’s been doing, do let me know when you write a post about her again. Big hugs to both of you.

    Hi Anthony, A warm glow is what I was trying to convey, thanks friend!

    Hi Sandy, Glad you enjoyed this poem Sandy.

    Hi Deborah, It is a lovely time of year for that, isn’t it?

    Thanks so much for stopping by and for participating in OSI this week. Hugs, G

  9. I like that you are thinking of your borther. At first I thought of 2 lovers, but I know the friendship of which you speak. I have brothers too, and my own daughter feels that way about her youngest brother. When I read your comment at the bottom, I thought of them.

  10. a heavy snow does make us feel safer, doesn’t it, all wrapped in nature’s cocoon. Lovely photo!

  11. Love, in all its forms and winter. Beautiful & evocative word picture, G.

  12. Lovely description of the warmth of a good companion even in the cold. My sympathies about your brother. I lost my sister 20 years ago and miss her still.

  13. Pingback: A Winter’s Day Haiku (OSI) | Quiet Paths

  14. I really love this poem; it mentions nearly all the most wonderful things I love about snow and this time of the year; especially the walking mitten in mitten part.

  15. Your poem gives a wonderful sense of winter togetherness.

    I’m so thankful you had a loving relationship with your brother. That, sadly, is often not the case in families.

  16. Dear Geraldine–
    Thank you for this lovely ‘walk’…it felt like we were crunching down the road with you. I could smell the wet wool of the mittens…
    and feel the love for your brother.

    Thank you for this piece and the nice photo. And the lovely prompt!

  17. Hi G,

    Wow, you described my walk home the other day except I was holding hands with a briefcase! LOL

    I don’t like driving in icy snow so got a ride one way, but hoofed the three miles back home after work. Mostly it was nice, but some stretches don’t have sidewalks.

    I’m sure your brother is smiling….love lasts forever.

  18. I, too, am sure he would have loved this. The feeling of family and love is entwined and solid. Lovely work. …thank you for a delightful OSI prompt!

  19. lovely and resonant

    “The cold less bitter,because you are near.” beautiful line, evokes warmth and wonderful memories

    the picture you create here is quite vivid to me – i’m sure your brother agrees!

  20. Reading your poem for a second time (after reading the dedication) brought my own brother (who died about a decade ago) to mind. The photo and piece are lovely. Thanks for sharing ;–)
    Hugs and blessings,

  21. Hi Katie, The poem IS about me and an ‘old’ boyfriend actually, someone I knew years ago. I wrote this poem several years ago but it is one of my fav. winter poems. I only dedicated it to my brother because this was his birthdate. Some misunderstanding on this….

    Hi Sue, It does indeed, I love snow.

    Hi Carrie, Thanks for your continued support dear friend!

    Hi Raven, Wendell left the world at a very young age, back in 92. The loss is still fresh and makes me so sad, especially when ‘dates’ come to pass, like birthdays. 😦

    Hi QP, Thank you so much!

    Hi Joyce, And welcome to MPP. So true, I cherish the memory of so many family members, sadly passed, that I was very close to. This time of year is hard to bear, in many ways, for many people. A reminder of loss as well as the beauty of the season.

    Hi Beth, You are so kind. As I explained above, not written about my brother but rather dedicated as a birthdate remembrance.

    Hi M, I hate driving on icy roads, not fun! Sounds like you are quite an avid walker, like me.

    Hi Sue, Glad you enjoyed the prompt, Ill be stopping by to see your work on this one soon.

    Hi Kayt, It’s all about conjuring up a word-pic isn’t it. Thanks Kayt, love your insightful comments, much appreciated always.

    Hi HR Gal, I can so relate. Thanks for your kind words.

    Thanks so much for your comments and visits at MPP, G

  22. Thanks for stopping by, Geraldine. And thanks for the other poems for later prompts. You are wonderful through and through. Merry Christmas.

  23. this poem is pure comfort! i love the thought of untouched mornings…

  24. Geradine what a beautiful ode to a loved one. My heart goes out to you. *big hug* Your words really touched my heart.

  25. Hi Gerladine, I just finished mine. You gave us a nice one to write. And you wrote yours so nicely. I did have fun composing even though Christmas things for the family came before I could finish any earlier.
    Mine is also concerns an old friend except we didn’t go for that walk of yours. When I started reading the comments left here I decided ‘maybe’ it was your brother and not that old friend. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

  26. Hi Sandy, And YOU are wonderful through and through…thanks for a lovely compliment and all your support and inspiration.

    Hi Q di Bello, I do too. It’s snowing a lot here these past few days, it’s so lovely to walk in the fresh, pure white snow!

    Hi Ruinwen, It is so good to “see” you again dear Ruinwen, my best wishes to you too.

    Hi Jim, Ill have to stop by soon to read your take on this prompt.

    Hugs and thanks for stopping by, G 🙂

  27. ..”You give a warm glow to winter here – a fitting tribute to your brother”..
    thank u for sharing ur poem and the prompt..

Thank you for your comments!