My Poetic Path

My journey…shared in poems, prose and photos.

Hearth and Home: Grandma’s Apple Pie


grandmas pie


Remembering….that sweet, heavenly fragrance.

Wafting through grandma’s house.






For those of you who missed it the first time, you might also enjoy reading  this tribute to my special grandma aka “Big” Ma.

She made the best apple pies I’ve ever tasted!

FYI: McIntosh was always her apple variety preference for pies.

Another childhood memory conjured up: Ritz Cracker Mock-Apple Pie recipe. I was amazed to find this rather strange recipe still featured on many sites. My mom made this recipe  a couple of times and I remember it as being pretty good. It really did taste like apple pie! Do any of you recall this recipe?

Submitted for the OSI prompt: Fragrance

Photo courtesy of: Flickr

PS: I was grateful to find this yummy pie photo on Flickr. It’s just too hot to bake one right now! 

Author: Geraldine Helen Hartman

I am a freelance writer, poet, artisan, product reviewer and award-winning cookbook author. I am the author of numerous books and eBooks, in a variety of genres, including: -Laughing AT the Grim Reaper! Gems of Wisdom for Aging Well -The Groovy Green Kitchen (Volume 1 and Volume 2) -Third Chapter, Second Chance (a mid-life romance) -Haiku Reflections: The Four Seasons (Volumes I, II and III and IV) My titles (in Kindle and print book formats) are available at all Amazon sites.

40 thoughts on “Hearth and Home: Grandma’s Apple Pie

  1. Yes, treasured memories last forever. Hold onto them tightly. I miss my grandmother. Hope all is well.

  2. That’s a lovely recollection expressed in this poem, Geraldine. Just lovely. Thanks.

    My mother uses macs for her pies, too. I can’t get them to hold up and opt for the sour, firmer varieties. Would love to know how to make macs work.

  3. Well, Geraldine, I’ve had the mock apple pie but would rather have the real thing. One exception might be the ones you make, it looks real good.
    Thanks for the ‘Fragrance’ OSI promt, I enjoyed working with it a lot. 🙂

  4. I can smell it from far away in Australia!

    You might like this one that I published today.

  5. Wow….Even I remember the fragrance

  6. This looks yummy. I love food memories.

  7. The scents of memories sometimes seem to be more potent than the vision!

  8. I do love home made apple pie. It has an umistakable smell. i think it’s the cinnamon!

  9. Grand mother’s cakes have a most unique smell: that of our childhood.

  10. that taste will linger forever.. from generation to generation, i bet 🙂

  11. Your “Big Ma” post was so touching…thank you for providing the link! Even though she was tiny in stature, her nickname sounds perfect, and she sounds like she was truly an amazing human being. I loved your response to this prompt…and the photo made me salivate for apple pie. :~)

  12. Hi Michelle, They do indeed! Thanks Michelle.

    Hi Sandy, I can suggest a couple of things re: McIntosh apples and pies. First, make sure to dredge the apples with a couple of tablespoons of flour and NO added liquid. Second (and one that my grandma always did, ending up with a gorgeous pie) overfill the crust with apples, mound them up in the center so its really packed. The liquid can escape through the air (fork) holes in the crust while baking. Yummmm…. I also use Macs!

    Hi Jim, This isn’t a pie pic of mine (see bottom of post) but it really does look yummy, doesn’t it. Glad you are enjoying the prompt.

    Hi RR, Welcome to MPP. Wow, that’s some smell-o-vision! I wish it could be true.

    Hi Jeeves, It’s one that lasts isn’t it? And such a yummy one.

    Hi Irene, Welcome and I do agree. Great scents and memories!

    Hi Gemma, You’ve brought up an interesting point. When I make or smell an apple pie anywhere, I usually think of my grandma. I like to think she is stopping by and is near to me again.

    Hi Selma, It doesn’t get much better than this, does it?

    Hi Nathalie, The other one for me is freshly-baked bread! Heaven.

    Hi Totomai, Welcome and yes, so true. I love your name btw!

    I look forward to reading all your submissions soon, Ill be stopping by. Thanks for your comments and visits, most appreciated, G

  13. It’s amazing how smells can prompt such vivid memories – and how we so often remember loved ones through trhe food they used to prepare.
    Lovely words.

  14. Truly sweet in so many ways, G. Thank you for the idea and the prompt this week! And no, you were the first time; I am in Montana, not QB.

  15. Har! I totally see now what happened. How funny.

  16. Hi Sweeter, Your comment “snuck in” between my last comment and this one. Thank you so much for your kind words and also for sharing your thoughts about your own special gran, just lovely.

    Hi Tony, So true Tony, so true.

    Hi Christine, Im glad you enjoyed it, loved your take on this one too. The Quebec things….too funny!
    Stop by Christine’s for a full account.

    Hugs and Happy Sunday, G

  17. Pingback: Beth Patterson : the best wake up calls grow on stalks

  18. thanks for such a wonderful prompt, hugs, sue

  19. i am hungry now..

  20. love made visible. how sweet the mulled flavor of autumn.

  21. thank you for such a wonderful prompt & such nostagic words…yes, i do remember that mock ritz cracker apple pie (it was better than it sounded to me). i have the recipe in one of my aunt’s grange cookbooks…more treasured memories!!

  22. nothing like the sweet heavenly fragrance of apple pie!


  23. nice prompt, nicer pie, nicer poem , geraldine ..

    ( please don’t feel compelled to comment back out of politeness, this is no barter transaction , have a great

    day! )

  24. I think it is the cinnamon, too. Your grandmother is probably enjoying this, don’t you think? By the way, you make pretty pies!

  25. thanks for visiting….it means a lot especially from someone as talented as you…

  26. Yes they do last forever…Wonderful writing!

  27. Thank you for the prompt, Geraldine! It opens up new hallways. The pie is glorious and yes, I’ve had the Ritz cracker pretend pie and it’s not half bad (as I remember)! Lovely memories.

  28. Hi Sue, You are most welcome and a big hug back to you! 🙂

    Hi Shraddha, Thanks for your kind words. I was glad to visit your blog. One of the great things about OSI, all the new talented writers (to me) that I find out in cyberspace. Don’t we have a great group?

    Hi Gabrielle, I loved your choice of words, thank you!

    Hi DiBello, So true, treasured memories with scents added. Priceless

    Hi Tammie, It doesn’t get much better, does it?

    Hi Zoya, I couldn’t agree more Zoya. I don’t visit blogs or leave comments unless I want to. There are some blogs that I don’t like to visit, for a variety of reasons, yours is NOT one of them. I’m sorry if you felt I was just stopping by out of obligation, not true. I enjoy reading your work. You have a lot of talent to share. I will stop by later today. Thanks for your comment.

    Hi Bobbie, Welcome and thanks so much!

    Hi Sandy L, I had a little cry on Sunday, re-reading my Big Ma tribute. I still miss her so much. Yes, I do hope she is enjoying this writing about her and because of her. Cinnamon mixed with apples, heavenly.

    Hi Sue, It’s fun to think about that strange “ritzy” pie, isn’t it? I don’t think Id make it now but we thought it was a hoot, as kids.

    Thanks to all of you for your visits and kind words, always appreciated, G

  29. Oh, so true! The fragrance of home baking has always been of importance in my own personal history. I think we all can relate to the emotion that the smell of food generates in us. (That’s why real estate agents get you baking when you try to sell a house, isn’t it?)


  30. thank u geraldine ! very much ! ! ..

  31. Oh, that’s brilliant, Geraldine! I enjoyed the prompt so much, and your offering is simply delicious. Those memories we can conjure up just with a simple intake of fragrance. Ahhhhh!

  32. nice to have such wonderful memories, though I’ve never been a fan of apple pies, don’t know what it is, I just don’t like it…

  33. i am so sure i commented. beofre…

    love the poem..writing mine now…

  34. Hi Poetikat, I agree. I think the sense of smell is sometimes underrated, in terms of the emotions that scents can conjure up. I think it can be very powerful (and usually nice!!!) 😉

    Hi Zoya, I thought I should clear up the slight misunderstanding. Glad to see you, always Zoya.

    Hi Patois, I didn’t plan to write a food post for this prompt initially but I’m glad I did!

    Hi Lissa, Not like apple pie? Isn’t that impossible? Pumpkin is actually my all-time favorite pie but apple comes a close second.

    Hi Shraddha, You did dear Shradda, closer to the top of this comment list. Nice you stopped by again though, thanks!

    Hugs and Happy Wednesday, G

  35. Your photo sure made me want to sink my teeth into a slice of that delicious looking apple pie.
    I have tried the mock apple pie and it is OK but I reall love the real thing.

  36. Hi Geraldine,
    Oh, yum! Apple pie cooking awakens my senses with a smile and an appetite! I don’t remember ritz crackers for pie. I enjoyed this memory of yours and the tribute to your grandma brought tears to my eyes. (I’ve been away from blogging for awhile, but I used to participate in One Single Impression.)

  37. Oops, I put wrong link up in above comment, sorry! (My computer apparently has stored links that are not active.)
    This has my correct link. Your site looks so friendly and I see others I know through blogland. I’ll be back.

  38. Hi Maggie, If you read a bit further the pie photo is explained. Not mine unfortunately, just too hot to bake “the real thing’ right now, here in BC. I’d like a piece too… 😉

    Hi Gel, Thanks for stopping by. I tried to visit your blog but it says a password is required. 😦

    Happy Friday, G

  39. Hi! Sorry to be stopping by so late in the week…Love the prompt and love your poem! Ahhh the smell of an apple pie baking- that sure signals autumn for me (which is my fav season). What an excellent memory! My grandma smell is a certain candle I have which when I smell it I am transported right back to her Wisconsin farmhouse. I enjoyed your fav things post as well- we have lots in common- love spending time at the beach as well and love lilacs- now that’s a fragrance! Have a great weekend!

  40. Pingback: the best wake up calls grow on stalks | Virtual Teahouse

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