My Poetic Path

My journey…shared in poems, prose and photos.


A Winter Haiku and Seasons Greetings!

Hello again !

If anyone is still stopping by at my WP blogs, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year. We have all earned it, after the last two extremely difficult years, throughout the world.

I have been keeping busy with a variety of creative projects, including getting back to writing after a (too) long hiatus. Always my best, most positive and productive strategy when it comes to coping with stress.

You can read more about my latest Kindle eBook: “Regrets: I’ve Had (Quite) a Few” available in January and a couple of holiday treats to share with you at my other WP blog, Veggies, Yarns & Tails: click here.

I Wish You Peace, Prosperity and All the Good Things in 2022!


Such Good Advice….

I needed to read this today.

I was in a bit of “funk” starting the week, trying to let go of what isn’t working out as planned.

But we all know…


Sending hugs and good wishes for the rest of the week. 




Revisiting…Fading Memories

It’s a cool, dreary Thanksgiving Day, here on Vancouver Island.

This poem and photo came to mind this afternoon, again and again.

Thinking of all those struggling with these heartbreaking issues. Sending hugs. ❤

Your efforts ARE appreciated.

I know….because my mom so poignantly told me that, when I needed to hear it most, many years ago. 

My Poetic Path

She sits in the diner, far from home.
Lunch rush over.
Blessed quiet restored.
It’s Tuesday, “her day”.
A crosstown bus ride, now a secret and special delight.
Away from the caring but claustrophobic family.
Still time to look back on happier days.
Trying to hold on to precious, fading memories.
The hours to savor, often still hopeful and good.
But too many others, a haze of uncertainty and doubt.
For now…
She will cautiously guard her fragile independence.
If only for a while longer.
Keeping them guessing.
Or so she hopes.
Where did the time go?
When did the children grow up to rise above her?
Knowing “what’s best”.
The mother becoming the child.
The child becoming the mother.
Trying to do their best..
Of that one thing, she is sure.
She grasps fervently and desperately to the time left.
To revel in these sacred moments alone.
Savoring her own thoughts.
Not willing to give…

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Book Review: Taming The Hour of the Wolf by H. R. Warren


As I wrote about in my book:


Laughing AT the Grim Reaper! Gems of Wisdom for Aging Well,

I’ve had (MORE THAN) my share of sleepless nights, over the years. 😦

Particularly annoying for me has been waking up in the middle of the night (around 3 AM…) which is also a time referred to as:

The Hour of the Wolf.

Tossing, turning, wide awake but tired…thinking all kinds of crazy, annoying and at times, very disturbing thoughts. Where some of them came from, I have no idea. But enough to keep me awake and to interrupt sleep in a most unpleasant way.

The sleepless night situation HAS improved in the past couple of years as I have been making a real effort to go to sleep in a calm, relaxed frame of mind and when I DO wake up, in the middle of the night now, there are a lot fewer negative thoughts that come to mind. But now, when it does happens, I replace these negative thoughts with positive ones, right away! Good things I choose and WANT to dwell on,…it’s worth the effort and it really has helped.

So back to this book review.

I “happened” to be browsing over at Amazon one day recently and did a search for “Hour of the Wolf” as I had seen the  Ingmar Bergman movie of the same name, many years ago in Toronto and wondered if it was still available.

If you aren’t familiar with the movie: Hour of the Wolf, you can read more about it here.

A strange, surreal and original story that I never completely forgot.

And the term “hour of the wolf” is one that has always stayed with me, particularly on sleepless nights when I wake up during the period between 3-5AM,  AKA “the hour of the wolf”.

When I did the search at Amazon, this Kindle book: Taming the Hour of the Wolf, also came up and I am SO glad I checked it out too. It’s a wonderful book! 🙂

Written in a personable, engaging style and filled with 144 affirmations that readers can refer to, again and again, when the Hour of the Wolf strikes a discordant note.

I am a true believer in the power of positive thoughts and particularly affirmations.

The ones that author: H. R. Warren, shares in this book are divided into categories including:

Sleeplessness, Negativity & Doubt, Procrastination, Abundance… and several others.

By choosing a particular category, you are then given a list of useful and calming affirmations to help still the mind and replace negative, upsetting thoughts, particularly during the Hour of the Wolf.

I think most people at some time or other grapple with sleepless nights. It’s not fun, it’s frustrating and getting back to sleep can be so difficult at times.

By keeping this book: Taming the Hour of the Wolf, close at hand on a bedside table perhaps, there is help only a click or page turn away.

The Kindle version (which is the one I have) is nicely formatted, with full page nature photos to begin each new category.  

And at less than a $1. for the Kindle version right now, a real bargain for a reference guide that I know I will be referring to, again and again. Especially when the “hour of the wolf” takes a turn for the worse and I need some positive thoughts to help to calm my mind and get back to sleep.

If you also struggle with ongoing or even occasional sleepless nights, check this one out.

Have a great day and sweet dreams! 🙂



This is a poem from the archives that continues to get a lot of page read each week.

Thought it was worthy of an encore on the Home page. 😉

Have a creative and meaningful week, G

My Poetic Path


  It’s about balance….

The changing seasons of life.
Breath in, breath out.
The circle that slowly goes…
It’s about love….
Changing faces/places/spaces.
Who we are and what we give, today.
Is not.
Who we are tomorrow.
We seek.
Shall we find?
Or shall we lose?
It’s about life….
Choices: made and missed.
Lives with limits.
Far better to be lived,
Fully and finally,
Are we ever sure?
Can we ever, truly know.
Who we are.
Who we are meant,
to Be.
Yin/Yang, a constant.
As it should be.
As it must be.
Moving life forward.
Coursing through our veins.
Until the last breath that we take.
Connecting, interjecting,dissecting and rejecting.
Meeting of the minds.
Bleeding of the hearts.
“Yin/Yang/Love/Life” – © Geraldine H. Hartman 2008

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Freedom is…

cropped sky photo

...a state of mind.

I gaze up at the clouds and my thoughts drift to higher places.

A feeling of lightness and hope, regained. 

No matter what life’s path brings, this is a place I can return to.

To find peace and serenity, once again.


Shared with the 100 Word Challenge.

Stop by and join the fun. 🙂


Changes, A Trip and Happy Thanksgiving!


I read a quote similar to the one above at a WP blog, a couple of weeks ago.

It really made me stop and think about this simple but rather profound statement.

So many of us fear changes in life.

But without making changes when necessary, everything stays as it is or changes in ways beyond our control.

Change CAN be scary. 😦

But it can also provide a beginning and a new, exciting direction down the path of life. 🙂

Are you afraid of big changes in life or do you embrace them? 


I’m heading to the beautiful Okanagan area of BC at the end of this week, you can read more about that here.

In the meantime, have a wonderful Thanksgiving to my Canadian readers and a beautiful week to all. 🙂


Laughter Really is Good Medicine ;-)

dogs reading

How’s this for a reading group? LOL!!!

Can we ever have enough laughter in our lives?

Probably not.

Laughter not only makes us happy and makes us smile, it is also very good for us, health wise.
Many years ago when I was recovering from burn-out syndrome/ chronic fatigue syndrome caused by too much: worry, work, chronic stress…that eventually robbed me of my good health for almost 2 years, I read many stories about the healing powers of laughter.
I spent a lot of time on the sofa during that time of recovery. I wasn’t able to do much as my nervous system was virtually in tatters. Resting and re-thinking how I had been living to have ended up so weak and so ill.
 I tried to read mainly inspiring and healing stories/ books about real people who had been through illnesses caused by stress who had recovered and lived to tell the tale. The story of Norman Cousins and his remarkable recovery from a life-threatening tissue disease described in his book:
is a story that has always stayed with me. Cousins and his doctors believed that his recovery was due in large part to daily doses of lots of laughs, watching Marx Brother’s movies where as drugs and other treatments had had little or no effect for weeks. Cousins had actually been getting worse as time had been going by in the hospital, until he added the funny movies to his daily routine.  If you’ve never read his story, it is definitely worth the time.
I also recently found this interesting site that lists many of the health benefits of laughter.
When I’m having a bad, sad or mad day… a good laugh (or even better, lots of them) can go a long way towards turning things around and helping me to relax and reassess things. I love watching funny movies like: Take the Money and Run with Woody Allen and Back to School with Rodney Dangerfield, two of my all-time favorite, classic LOL movies.
If you have a funny movie, book, DVD…to share, please do.
Here’s to a year filled with lots of laughter. It truly is good medicine, for so many reasons! 😉

Happy 2014!

PS: This post is one I shared at my “Take a Happy Break” blog, a long while ago. I no longer post there but thought this was a good way to “kick off” the new blogging year, here at My Poetic Path.
My apologies for a bit of wonky spacing above. WP does NOT like copy and paste, it seems!!!
This adorable (and definitely not Mr. Cheddar approved) photo courtesy of Flickr