My Poetic Path

My journey…shared in poems, prose and photos.


Haiku Reflections: The Promise of Spring

the promise of spring haiku

Not much color here yet, in Interior BC, just a lot of greys and browns to look at. 😦

Thought this haiku and “pop” of color  from my photo files would make for a nice change today.  

How are things where you are? Any buds, plants, flowers in bloom yet?

Wishing You a Wonderful Week! 🙂


Haiku Reflections: Snow Melts, Reveals Spring

snow melts reveals spring

Spring comes early, here in BC Canada.

And this year, I can’t wait! 🙂

Unlike where I grew up on the Prairies, where it’s not unusual to have snow, well into May.

I’ve had spring on my mind a lot these days. It’s been so grey and dreary lately. 😦

But thoughts of sunshine and color, keep me looking forward; if only in my thoughts and dreams.

This haiku from my first haiku book: Haiku Reflections: The Four Seasons, came to mind recently too.

It also gave me a little mood-boost! I hope it does the same for you too! 🙂

Happy (and hopefully, early) Spring! 


Haiku Reflections: Spring Rain and Warm Winds

spring rains and warm winds

This haiku and photo came to mind today as the weather continues to be warm and sunny, here in BC. 

Spring’s wondrous evolution…love it!

I hope you enjoy this encore from the archives and that Spring is arriving in full force, where you are too.

Enough with that snow in the East brrrr… 😦

Happy Week! 🙂


PS: Speaking of all things Spring, I have a new Spring contest starting this week over at My Real Life Reviews.

You can read about it here.


Haiku Reflections: Weaving a Spell

weave for wdp

Inspired by the March 3rd  Woven Dreams prompt: Weave

Happy Week Everyone! 🙂


Haiku Reflections: First Robin of Spring


A couple of days ago, I saw a robin! A sure sign of spring I thought, at the time.

But today, woke up to a generous “dump” of snow. 😦  What a surprise!

A “mini” snowstorm arrived overnight, here in Interior BC.

 This is a photo from Flickr ’cause the robin I saw was too fast for me to get a photo of. 😉

It was interesting to browse the search term “robin” over at Flickr and see all the types of these birds there are. Here in Canada, it’s usually the black robins that we see, as above.

Hopefully the snow will melt in the next day or so (and for the last time) and more robins will be on the way soon. 🙂


Original photo courtesy of Flickr


Haiku Reflections: Memories of Spring


Also submitted for the Haiku Heights  prompt: Spring

Spring: Can’t wait! Bring it on.  🙂